I'm Chris, and I'm Made For More.

Serving high school students in our community and being a resource for them through life's ups and downs is my “why.” I love it because of the personal relationships I get to have with each of them as a group and individually. It also continues to strengthen my faith in a number of ways: my continued education in God's plan for his kingdom (us!) and the connection and bonds formed with my students by going through that process of learning and living it together. Meeting and building friendships with other volunteers in our community has also been a huge blessing and very rewarding. It has led to my involvement in adult small groups and opened the door to serving God further. God is using me to love these teenagers and be a resource for them, to be a person they can trust, who will love them without judgment. I am vulnerable with these students and am led to show them what God has done in my life. So grateful for my IO family, my co-leader, and our students!

You are Made For More, too. Volunteering in our church is one way you can discover the more you are made for. Ready to find out what you were made for?

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