Mega Awesome Sunday

October 27, 2024 | 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.

Mega Awesome Sunday graphic

It's a Sunday where you can feel like a kid again!

Save the date and invite your friends to Mega Awesome Sunday on October 27!

Preschool and elementary school kids can wear their not-so-scary costumes to our Mega Awesome Costume Party complete with games and prizes!

Middle schoolers can hang with friends and see who wins Best Costume at Trick-or-Transit.

Adults will feel like kids again in the Auditorium with a sweet treat, great music, and a relevant message.

It's going to be Mega Awesome fun for everyone!

family as dressed alike as pirates pose in front of a photo op wall that says mega awesome
elementary aged child poses in a dinosaur halloween costume
volunteers pose together in animal themed halloween costumes in front of UpStreet hall
two attendees post together wearing Halloween costumes
Dad and daughter walk hand-in-hand into church