BB Singles

Connect and Find Community

BB Singles

BB Singles exists to create connection and community for single adults at Browns Bridge.

If you’re a single adult at Browns Bridge, you’re invited to our next Singles Gathering. Join us for coffee, snacks, and the opportunity to connect with other like-minded single adults. Check out the events pages below for information on all of our upcoming gatherings.

WHO: All single adults at Browns Bridge

WHEN: The 3rd Sunday of every month at 10:00 a.m.

  • January 19
  • February 16
  • March 16
  • April 13 (Due to Easter, we will meet on the 2nd Sunday)
  • May 18

WHERE: New Location! Balcony soft seating in the main hall
Head up the main stairs and look for our BB Singles signs and team members.

join the email list →

Please fill out the form below so we can let you know about upcoming gatherings as well as other singles events and opportunities.

Got questions? Contact us and we can help!