
An InsideOut Initative

A Message to Parents
insideout generosity video

Can you imagine what would happen if thousands of high school students decided to live generously for the rest of their lives? What a difference they would make!

Over the next few weeks in InsideOut, we are going to challenge and inspire our students to live generously. We want our students to trust God in big ways and learn to give and to serve—and make a difference for him!

Your student needs your support to make it happen! 

Important Details

insideout commitment card

Generosity Commitment Card

Every student will receive a Generosity Commitment Card. This will help your student make a tangible plan to give and serve. Pray with your student and share your own stories of generosity. Share your advice and wisdom as they make these decisions.

woman on phone

Online Giving

We’ve created a student online giving page. This provides a secure way for students to give online and receive a record of their generosity. It’s pretty simple and involves setting up their debit card or connecting to Apple Pay.  

Give Now

There are tap-to-pay options for Venmo which will be located in the check-in area of InsideOut.

high school students pose outside of the church

Serving Opportunties

There are many opportunities to serve both in the church or in the community.

Serve in a church environment

Serve in the community

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

We are excited to see what God will do through your student’s generosity this year!

Generosity Resources