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Investigating Jesus

Andy Stanley
Mar-Apr 2022

Little did Luke know that of the many accounts of the life of Jesus, his would be one of four that survived. It's worth asking if his...

The Day After Christmas

Andy Stanley and Samer Massad
Dec 2021

Due to a census, the original Christmas day was chaos. People wanted to return home and get back to normal. But things would never be...

Faith Full

Andy Stanley
Apr-May 2021

People whose faith leads them to trust God in spite of their circumstances are the deepest people you’ll ever meet. In this series, we...

Grown-Up Prayers

Andy Stanley
Mar 2021

As children, many of us were taught to say our prayers. As we get older, we wonder, why should I pray? How should I pray? Does praying...

Browns Bridge Church Christmas Celebration

Andy Stanley
Dec 20, 2020

We all look for meaning in even the most random events—especially the negative events. The Christmas story is a reminder that sometimes...
