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Like a Good Neighbor

Adam Johnson
Sep 2023

When it comes to religion, people often think the most important thing is devotion to God. Jesus wouldn’t necessarily disagree. However,...


Andy Stanley
Aug-Sep 2023

In the first century, the cross was a symbol of suffering and shame. In this series, we’ll talk about how it now represents an empowering...

Advice for the Hurried Life

Adam Johnson
Jul 2023

One word that seems to describe just about everyone these days is “busy.” Ask people how they’re doing and they’ll likely respond with...

Memorial Day 2023 - On Message, On Mission

Andy Stanley
May 28, 2023

The church is God's agent of transformation for the world, and the church is your opportunity to take part in that transformation. Take...

Once Upon a Land

Adam Johnson
Apr 2023

Fairy tales happened once upon a time. No matter how great the story or how helpful the life lesson, we know they didn't actually take...
