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Andy Stanley
Sep 2020
It can be hard to maintain hope in the middle of chaos. But our hope isn't anchored to circumstances, theological opinions, or a book....
It can be hard to maintain hope in the middle of chaos. But our hope isn't anchored to circumstances, theological opinions, or a book. Our hope is anchored to an event—an event that rekindled the dwindling hope of the first followers of Christ.
Andy Stanley
Sep 13, 2020
The right questions are not 'Why did this happen?' or 'Whose fault was that?' We usually know those answers. The better question: 'How...
The right questions are not 'Why did this happen?' or 'Whose fault was that?' We usually know those answers. The better question: 'How can we help?'
Andy Stanley with Stuart and Kellee Hall
Jul 12, 2020
When tragedy strikes, it's natural to ask the question Why me? The harder and more unnatural question is How can I make this matter?
Andy Stanley
Jun 14, 2020
Becoming a Christian is easy. It won't cost you anything. But Jesus never invited anyone to become a Christian. He invites us to follow.
Adam Johnson
May 03, 2020
We have passed 50 days of quarantine and no one knows when this will all end. Maybe you are doing great, but many of us could use some...
We have passed 50 days of quarantine and no one knows when this will all end. Maybe you are doing great, but many of us could use some encouragement to help us continue to make the most of these days. However you are doing, here are three things that can help us all.