
6th–8th Grade

Transit Worship

Helping middle schoolers discover a faith of their own

Middle school can be tough, but your student doesn’t have to face it alone.

Transit meets at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. on Sundays at Browns Bridge Church.

We know the middle school years can be complicated. Students are growing up fast and need a place where they can learn how God sees them. Our goal is to create a community where every student knows they matter and belong. The road through middle school may be bumpy, but it doesn’t have to be lonely.

This Week in Transit

Your Friends sermon series

Friendship in middle school can be tough! It’s easy for students to underestimate how the people they surround themselves with can impact their lives. In this three-part series, students will be encouraged to evaluate their friendships and why they matter. We'll help them discover that they have control over who they spend time with, and that great friends make their friends better.

Because we know friendships are so important in this season, we’re also sending out a mailer to parents with ways you can engage your student on this topic at home. So be on the lookout for that to arrive in your mailbox!

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What's Happening in Transit

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Upcoming Events

parent summit 2024

Parent Summit

July 1, 2024 – August 11, 2024
New parenting content featuring David Thomas and Sissy Goff.
Transit Summer Games

Transit Summer Games | Closing Ceremonies

August 11, 2024 β€’ 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
Join us Sunday for the closing ceremonies of Transit Summer Games!
6th Grade Camp graphic (new logo)

6th Grade Camp

August 16 – 18, 2024
A weekend specifically designed for 6th grade students.

Other Environments for Kids and Students